7 day subconscious journey with Jenna Brown

For the femme flowy coach who is ready to sell high ticket packages + programs

Inside High Ticket Sales Queen you are priming your subconscious mind to easily plan for and create high ticket offers inside of your business


As a coach:

- Are you spinning your wheels constantly trying creating new lower ticket offers with little or big traction but deep down desire to be selling high ticket coaching and programs?


- Do you have constant disbelief in yourself as being the type of woman who can provide a high ticket experience inside your containers?


- Deep down do you desperately want your business to have consistent income that supports you in a way that doesn’t require your constant attention (ie. passive income) and allows you to have time freedom?


Then this transformational 7 day experience is for you!



Live Masterclass: November 8th 4:30 PM EST 

(all night work is prerecorded and dropped on November 8th to start that evening)



What’s included:

Inside the 7 days of High Ticket Sales Queen we will go on an inner journey together.

The first day of the 7, we will meet LIVE for a two hour training that will include:


- The reason (hint it’s actually not your fault) why you keep yourself in the loop of self sabotage and staying small in both your offers + your pricing


- Jenna’s very specific 4 step protocol to transforming the the cycle of self sabotage in your business


- Logistics inside of a high ticket offer to take away the doom and gloom you may think it is


After the LIVE portion of this training, you will then start what is called the “High Ticket in my sleep” protocol.


For the following 7 days you will, before bed each night, move through a 20 minute EFT tapping process for each cornerstone of shifting your subconscious into safety with your desired high ticket offers inside your business. Following your tapping session you will go to sleep with the sound of your visualization meditation in your ears to prime the subconscious mind for the shifts that you desire inside your business.


The nights themes:

One: Believe that its destined

Two: I am worthy

Three: It is safe to take action

Four : I am capable and consistent

Five: Letting go of Fear of failure

Six: Letting go of  Fear of success

Seven: I am a magnet to my desires

At the end of High Ticket Sales Queen, you will have spent a week fully priming and reprogramming the subconscious mind for your high ticket offers to be a literal magnet.


The investment:

The cost of this 7 day experience is $599


But if you act fast..

The price until Nov. 6 is $444

Or two payments of $250

Are you ready to prime your subconscious mind for your high ticket offers?

YES LET’S GO - Pay In Full
YES I’M IN - 2 Payments of $250

I guarantee that within seven days of completing this practice (must show inside your portal that you have completed the lessons and processes) that if you do not feel changes in your body, and reality… I will give you back your money in FULL. No questions asked.

(refund offer only good for 14 days post date of LIVE event)


Testimonials in working with Jenna:


“If me 3 months ago saw me now, she would not believe all the transformation that has happened in such little time.”

- Gabby R.


“I’m feeling that full body yes electric feeling. So fucking turned on by my life!!”

- Lyndsay S.


“Subconscious work is so fucking powerful its insane!”

- Kacie S.


So you may be wondering…

HOW does this work?:


The subconscious mind is the part of your mind that is below your awareness (aka you dont know its happening). Its responsible for 95%+ of the reality you are experiencing.. And get this, its fully formed by the age of 8 years old!


What does that mean? Your business success has way less to do with the right strategy, and more about your subconscious resistance to your success.


Inside of this 7 day journey you will transform the subconscious mind, releasing the emotional baggage through the EFT (emotional freedom technique) processes, and visualize the life that you have been dreaming of but in a very specific subconscious state.

WHY before bed?


Before we go to sleep our brains are the most OPEN to suggestion. What that means is, our brain wave state is slower and therefore it is able to receive and digest information that we WANT to put into it with much less resistance. I designed this program right before bed so that your brain has all night to live in this state of abundance and rewiring shifting your reality faster than you can imagine!


How will I KNOW that it actually works?


You will know. It literally, can’t not work. We are accessing your subconscious mind and creating the framework to be able to hold the success you have been working towards, without little resistance because we will be working WITH your subconscious mind, not against it!



Who am I?

Hi my name is Jenna Brown. I am a leading business + wealth coach, best selling author, and I specialize in the subconscious mind. I have been trained in many different techniques when it comes to transforming the subconscious when it comes to creating whatever you desire in life. Many people call me the wealth queen + to my 3 littles.. I’m simply.. MOOOOooooooommmm (said in a classic child tone). Inside this container I will use two of my most favorite tools called EFT + Hypnosis to assist you subconscious mind in creating the life you desire inside of your business. I look forward to getting to know you!