Making Money Online = Healing Your "Fame" Wound

healing wealth Dec 12, 2023

Your relationship to making money online…


Is a direct reflection and invitation to heal your patterns from childhood around

being seen and adored by your parents.

Here’s how it tends to show up…


“I suck at being consistent online”


No. You don’t.

Do you brush your teeth every day? (Hopefully)

Do you put your clothes on every day?


You don’t suck at consistency... there are a ton of things you are consistent at that are autopilot in your life..


BUT you experience resistance (oh it’s the last thing I think about!) to being consistent doing the ONE major thing that moves the needle in your business.




“I don’t know why but I can’t grow my followers past X number.”


You can’t? Or you WON’T?


Unconsciously if your number of followers has been chillin at the same spot for a while you likely have underlying patterns that say it’s not SAFE to be SEEN in a massive way


“I feel rejected like I’m talking to no one when I get online... it’s crickets lately”


Hello. My name is Jenna and one of my favorite things to clear as your coach is codependency with your business.


One of the BIGGEST ways I see this show up is with the underlying need of approval/ praise from your audience in order to keep going.


This comes from a deep rooted need and desire to be SEEN (which is good and healthy, but you play a weird dance with)


The truth about money online is...It requires you to get comfortable with attention on you.


Like REAL comfortable.


And not just to get comfy with it- but WANT it, REQUIRE it, and MONETIZE the attention + influence you have.


This is the creator economy!


If you were told that it was BAD...

To “seek attention”

To dress for attention

To nag/ whine/ want more

To be loud, bold, opinionated, passionate, funny, weird...

Or aka you are just a woman living in this world…


being SEEN = more MONEY


FAME FREQUENCY^ Is my upcoming FREE masterclass, happening Thursday Dec. 21st at 1pm EST


Click HERE and sign up, for this LIFE CHANGING FREE masterclass, 


Where we are going to clear your resistance to being seen on a MASSIVE level. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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