Your perception CREATES your reality.

Five dollars? is simply $5. 

My 4 year old daughter can look at that $5 and think she is RICH ... 

If that was my paycheck? We are HOMELESS.

It's the SAME $5 but the perception of the one who sees this $5 is how they will experience the $5 and the world.


In the same way… There are people RIGHT NOW who view me as a fu*k up, a scam artist, a heathen..

BUT you view me as someone who you look up to, who has figured it out, who is building a whole new world...

How do I know this means you're straddling your next level?

In the mind we have something called the RAS or the reticular activating system.

It works like this...

Have you ever wanted a new car (or bought one) and then all the sudden you see that car EVERYWHERE?

Or thought you named your kid something super unique and now it's the ONLY name you ever hear?

This is because your RAS is constantly filtering what mind PERCEIVES to have value "she wants a white jeep" "her...

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2023 was one of the HARDEST years for me in many ways.

I got told in May that I had 2 masses in my breast + because I almost died 2x in my twenties went into a SUPER dark place..

Started + ended 2 business partnerships

Had scary low months of recurring revenue that I hadn't seen in YEARS


And yet..

I still showed up.


Here's the thing.

When your business is about YOU and what

YOU need from it..

You won't show up to serve when it gets tough. You'll quit... or go so inward that it'll take a whale swallowing you whole + dropping you off in front of a group of people to remind you why you're here....


But when your business is the conduit for your CALLING..

When you are CONNECTED to the message you have and the calling is on your life...

You literally cannot run and hide.

Because simply put- you’re saying yes to your CALLING.. and this is the space when activated within you...

Even when you are in the shadows... you will show up and serve.


l'm no longer...

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Raise Your Prices. 




You have SO much wisdom, knowledge, and experience ++

When you dumb it down to speak to people at the very BEGGINNING of the journey,

And charge them $5 because they are scared to invest...


Here's what happens:

  1. You attract victims… which means more work for you
  2.    You are uninspired… be you don't like working within the victim consciousness
  3.    You convinced them to get in... which means they liked where they were ++ likely will not ACTUaLLy change
  4.    Your frequency is TOO high ++ will actually fuck them up / end up hurting them in the long run


When you downplay WHO you are ++ the frequency you carry…

You attract people who ARE NOT READY for the amount of shifts that need to happen in their lives to actually get where you are at.

I KNOW this because I did this for YEARS ++ people would stay stuck unmoving ++ I would stay frustrated.

Here's what...

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Neutralizing Next Levels

Lets dig into a few Unconventional things that have contributed to my SUCCESS:

  •  Micro dosing psilocybin (been doing this for 2+ years off and on).
  •  LEAVING the church, quitting my non profit + disappointing about a thousand people when I told them I had a spiritual awakening + realized I was God creator.
  •  SELLING our house, buying an RV + traveling around the US for a year.
  •  SITTING with Kambo (frog poison) and puking out my guts while clearing every woman in my families ancestral trauma 3 times in 24 hours.
  •  Hundreds of thousands of hours of REWIRING my brain and nervous system through subconscious healing.
  •  FAILING more times than most people would even try.


  •  Haters on the internet. 
  •  Pilates + daily commitment to my health
  •  Putting coffee up my butt + parasite cleansing multiple times.
  •  That one time a client back charged my account 8k 2 weeks before Christmas... so l leveled the fuck up, got lawyers on my team,...
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I almost QUIT!

A few weeks ago I was having the most INTENSE sensation to BLOW IT ALL UP.


My multi 6 figure coaching business, on its way to 7 figures... and I literally felt like I couldn't breathe.


I told my husband "I'm serious this time!" lol.


(In case no one told you at every level there are "I want to quit moments" mine usually come right before my period every month.... Ironically) 


It was the MOST intense the sensation of pressure l've had in years ...


And I did what I would tell YOU to do when you're feeling like blowing it all up.


I sat down. 

I felt the pressure in my body + 

then I looked for the SPACE.


Here is the thing.


Anytime you are able to feel pain, sorrow, contraction etc. in your body you will also always simultaneously be able to find SPACE.


They are always co existing.


Now that you find the space, let it get bigger and bigger and bigger and ask yourself... 


what is this space ...

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3 shifts…

3 shifts…


 to becoming your industry's thought leader.



1 Refine your personal brand

Personal brand is DIFFERENT than your business. 


This is your time for YOU to shine.


To be a thought leader... what is it that sticks with people, FOREVER?



-a catch phrase, a slogan, a way of dressing, a sign on phrase, wearing signature colors, eyeglasses



2 Know your opinions + be polarizing AF


You don't remember anyone who isn't POLARIZING and draws a line in the sand. 


If you are a self proclaimed "people pleaser" or afraid of the ego... I AM TALKING TO YOU.

What stances do YOU take on things? What do you think everyone is doing WRONG? 


Having polarizing views... is what makes people identify WITH you ++ in their mind you become a thought leader based off of your polarizing views. (Ps. This is also the key to amazing messaging + sales)


3 Create a signature framework



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Yes Yes YES! Is all I can say…


This last week I was a contestant on the show BetaBlox created by the amazing Weston Bergman  +++ yall


Hands down, one of the most transformative weeks of my life. 


Navigating 14 hour filming days, 15 minutes to come up with 3 minute speeches on things I had NEVER thought of before, competing against 70+ other companies...


Was suchhhh a STRETCH

and such a beautiful one!


TBH, I walked in there certain l'd get close to first place (ok who am i kidding, I thought I was going to win ) but by day two l was HUMBLED and laughing my ass off... realizing what I was really there for…


The connections, the people, the training.

I've spent the last few days just processing all these 7 days away meant to me, and How/ why they were so IMPACTFUL.


For one, we all were stretched to the MAX


Challenged to think about potentially 10 years down the road in our...

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Coaching Hierarchy

I'm DONE with the hierarchy of coaching.


I don't need you to think I am subtly better than you to pay me 20k…

I want you to feel that I am here, on your TEAM.


To support you. 

To guide and mentor BESIDE you..

not IN FRONT of you.


Am I further along than you in business?


But you have a ton to teach me as well.


This reminds me of the one time.....


When I was about to co lead a team to Brazil for a few months...


The woman/ friend who was leading the entire school that I was staff on (for context I used to be a missionary. Now I am not religious... but there was SO much gold from that season of life + it shaped me into who I am today as a leader 100%)

Told me that I was going to lead the team solo for a few weeks.


I was 21... and had never led a team solo.... 

I had 7 people I was overseeing.


And she said, I trust you... 

I'm going back to Australia (where we lived at the time).

So she left.


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Saving Yourself

Something no one talks about because it isn't sexy...


The journey you will inevitably make from the wounded little girl inside of you...


BEGGING to be rescued by masculine energy.


Playing out the narrative that was written for you by a society long before you took your first breath.


The starting point...


Praying to be RESCUED by God. 


Magical thinking that God the father will help You..


And he does, for a while.


Praying to be rescued by your partner. 


Playing out victim because you need him to survive and to literally get your needs met.


And it works, for a while.


Until it doesn't.

Because you asked to realize your WHOLENESS.

You asked to see who you really were.

You asked to understand your own INTERNAL POWER.


And what you didn't realize you asked for was...

To feel.


And in the breadth of you feeling the depth of your power..


You also felt the absolute depth of your...

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How To Stop Clenching Your Butthole

I dare you to... 

(pick one from this list)

  •   Sleep NAKED tonight
  •   Sing in the shower at the top of your lungs... this is a concert.
  •   Twerk for your partner to some 2000s rap
  •   Do a cartwheel competition with someone
  •   Play the laughing game. You must stare at someone and NOT laugh


And also...

  •  Send a thank you card or message to someone who has impacted your life
  •   Call an old friend and ask how you can love on them today
  •   Send a random gift in the mail/ drop off a gift to a neighbor and not say who it's trom
  •   Find a random go fund me and donate to it
  •  Go put a random $10 bill somewhere in the grocery store where someone will find it


Here’s why…


When you feel BLOCKED...

It's NEVER because you're serving and laughing too much.

It's because your butthole is clenched, you're attached to an outcome and a time frame... 


and you forgot that...

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