Your perception CREATES your reality.

Five dollars? is simply $5. 

My 4 year old daughter can look at that $5 and think she is RICH ... 

If that was my paycheck? We are HOMELESS.

It's the SAME $5 but the perception of the one who sees this $5 is how they will experience the $5 and the world.


In the same way… There are people RIGHT NOW who view me as a fu*k up, a scam artist, a heathen..

BUT you view me as someone who you look up to, who has figured it out, who is building a whole new world...

How do I know this means you're straddling your next level?

In the mind we have something called the RAS or the reticular activating system.

It works like this...

Have you ever wanted a new car (or bought one) and then all the sudden you see that car EVERYWHERE?

Or thought you named your kid something super unique and now it's the ONLY name you ever hear?

This is because your RAS is constantly filtering what mind PERCEIVES to have value "she wants a white jeep" "her daughters name is Reyna". And then lit iterally hyper focuses on THAT thing

AND also blocks out any other thing that it's not perceiving to have VALUE.

So what does this mean?

If you view me as someone who you look up to, or want to imitate in some way (business, life, family)…

That means that whatever you see in ME that you want... is literally... within YOU and is ready to be ACTIVATED. and (bonus!) that it feels SAFE for the subconscious mind to become that.

You wouldn't even be able to see me if it wasn't MEANT for you it would be white noise and scrolling you would go.


Perception is everything.

If you're perceiving abundance.. abundance you will have.

Notice the people you're DRAWN to online.. why are you? What is it about them?

They are MIRRORING that for you.

Whatever you admire in me.. is an invitation to become that yourself.. you can only recognize that which you are.

I am just me.. and some people see me as the devil and others see me as god. I still am just me. Their perception CREATES their reality of me.

YOURS does too.

So if you're a fan... guess what?

You're literally looking into a mirror.

Like attracts like baby.

If you’re wanting to CHANGE your perception regarding success in your business, and actually scale your business to a million dollars…

Don't miss my FREE I’m a MILLIONAIRE process:

Click HERE to get!


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