When it all cracks open

Uncategorized Jun 04, 2020

Here's whats happening.

We are in the middle of humanity rising in frequency of vibration, enlightenment, and creating a new earth.

Sounds cool right?

Well... my love.. we are in the phase of all of the things being cracked.

Imagine that the world that you know it as, your reality as you know it to be...

is a GLASS bubble.

Not a plastic-y one. A thick glass bubble.

One that you LOVE.

You love your bubble. We all do. We're safe in here.

What is happening....

Is a GIANT hammer is smashing that bubble.

It'll take a little time to crack, and my love unless you do the work to understand your consciousness, ego etc. its going to take longer and be a lot more painful than it has to be.

But the bubble is being cracked.

Every single system in society.. will shatter.


Well because there is a new way coming.

A new way of earth.

A new form of being.

A new way of operating.

And for new to happen.

Everything... has to die.


I know it feels... dramatic.

But there is no easy way to sugar...

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Yes You are Racist Too.-

Uncategorized May 31, 2020

I couldn't stop thinking about it, I haven't been able to sleep really, or get it all out of my head.

I turned off my social media, and tried to connect back with the earth, tried to compartmentalize, as I always do.. Issues of race, homophobia  and hatred in the world, and if I'm being really honest, within me.

It's so interesting that I can be awake to the injustice, to the hatred, to the systems that have literally been built on the backs of BIPOC backs and, yet.. still have the luxury of going to sleep at night not wondering if my kids are going to be safe at the end of all of this.

This my friends, is the very definition of white privilege. 


As sad as this is, I think white women struggle to listen and actually HEAR the voices of black women because we have been so trained to think that passion is aggression and not acceptable. We have been trained our whole lives to think that being woman means to be quiet, submissive, nurturing and complacent. We don't...

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What Will I Leave You With?

What do I want to leave the world with?

What if I miss the purpose of my life?

How do I want to be remembered?


Questions that used to consume me, until I started asking them a bit differently.


What legacy am I leaving my children?

What will they have to remember me by?

What essence am I implanting in them?


Any that's where I found the confidence I needed to take the next steps.


The next steps of healing for myself.

The next steps in deconstruction of... well, everything.

The next steps in walking away from unhealthy spaces to healthy ones.

The next right thing.

Even though it was scary.


How I hope to be remembered by them is someone who opened the door for herself to healing, held out a hand looking back at those who needed it, and walked them through the door to the other side.

I hope that I'm remembered as someone who was brave enough to face herself.

Ballsy enough to walk away from power structures that oppressed and suffocated.

Secure enough to...

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