Raise Your Prices. 




You have SO much wisdom, knowledge, and experience ++

When you dumb it down to speak to people at the very BEGGINNING of the journey,

And charge them $5 because they are scared to invest...


Here's what happens:

  1. You attract victims… which means more work for you
  2.    You are uninspired… be you don't like working within the victim consciousness
  3.    You convinced them to get in... which means they liked where they were ++ likely will not ACTUaLLy change
  4.    Your frequency is TOO high ++ will actually fuck them up / end up hurting them in the long run


When you downplay WHO you are ++ the frequency you carry…

You attract people who ARE NOT READY for the amount of shifts that need to happen in their lives to actually get where you are at.

I KNOW this because I did this for YEARS ++ people would stay stuck unmoving ++ I would stay frustrated.

Here's what I learned:

  •  My energy is like ayayascha.


  •  People come to me and are scared not bc of money but because they know I will SEE them, activate them ++ they will either have to stay comfy or grow MAJOR outside of their comfort zone.

And those people LOVE to be activated, are growth whores ++ love the work that I do. 

This is the SIGN you were waiting for.

It's ok to LET GO of the beginner version of you.

It's ok to STEP OUT of rescue mentality.

It's okay to triple your prices... just because you've put in so many fucking ego deaths + SO much work... 

it would be INSANE not to.

Your frequency has shifted.

Enjoy it. Stop fighting it.

If this is resonating with you…

Come follow me on IG + and click HERE to watch my live on raising the caliber of your client. 



50% Complete

Two Step

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