Take One Piece Of Content And Make 20K Off Of It

content incomestrategies Dec 30, 2023

Here’s how I take ONE piece of content

+ make it make me $20k


check this out


If you're anything like me...


You can post on social.

And then you forget about it + or

You stay on the FOREVER hamster wheel of content creation

And when people say "repurpose your content" you're like COOL JANICE but how??


Let me show you MY flow from idea to repurpose galore


Most often

Ideas for content come to me through... this medium. Writing notes on my phone and screen shot it up + post it within five seconds basically without thinking about it 


The only other form I see really GOOD CONTENT come to me/ through out of nowhere is when I pop up on stories with little blurbs


And lastly, when I teach/ coach I basically just channel shit I'm like WHO AM I and can this all be a podcast 24/7.


This is it, this is how my channel best operates+ you gotta start THERE first


You’re going to want to save this for later…



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