I almost QUIT!

A few weeks ago I was having the most INTENSE sensation to BLOW IT ALL UP.


My multi 6 figure coaching business, on its way to 7 figures... and I literally felt like I couldn't breathe.


I told my husband "I'm serious this time!" lol.


(In case no one told you at every level there are "I want to quit moments" mine usually come right before my period every month.... Ironically) 


It was the MOST intense the sensation of pressure l've had in years ...


And I did what I would tell YOU to do when you're feeling like blowing it all up.


I sat down. 

I felt the pressure in my body + 

then I looked for the SPACE.


Here is the thing.


Anytime you are able to feel pain, sorrow, contraction etc. in your body you will also always simultaneously be able to find SPACE.


They are always co existing.


Now that you find the space, let it get bigger and bigger and bigger and ask yourself... 


what is this space ...

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