What Happened When I Cleared My Fear of Being Famous

famous Dec 22, 2023

About a month ago I started clearing a subconscious fear around being "FAMOUS"

Specifically that word.


I let myself sit with it and ask why I was so SCARED of being famous… 

  •  what I thought I'd lose
  •  any potential dangers
  •  what other people would assume about me...


This first started because..

I read a story in hormozis book about when he met with a famous friend and asked him if he hated to be so famous bc of haters and threats


The guys response was if that's all he had to sacrifice in order to make so much money, have so much influence, and therefore make such a big change in the world...


What a great HONOR it was.


That story really activated me...


Then when the fires happened in Hawaii

I watched Jenna Kutcher use her giant platform and influence to locate housing for locals, 


I watched her donate money to every family she shared and donate the use of her properties to locals in distress.


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