Raise Your Prices. 




You have SO much wisdom, knowledge, and experience ++

When you dumb it down to speak to people at the very BEGGINNING of the journey,

And charge them $5 because they are scared to invest...


Here's what happens:

  1. You attract victims… which means more work for you
  2.    You are uninspired… be you don't like working within the victim consciousness
  3.    You convinced them to get in... which means they liked where they were ++ likely will not ACTUaLLy change
  4.    Your frequency is TOO high ++ will actually fuck them up / end up hurting them in the long run


When you downplay WHO you are ++ the frequency you carry…

You attract people who ARE NOT READY for the amount of shifts that need to happen in their lives to actually get where you are at.

I KNOW this because I did this for YEARS ++ people would stay stuck unmoving ++ I would stay frustrated.

Here's what...

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Saving Yourself

Something no one talks about because it isn't sexy...


The journey you will inevitably make from the wounded little girl inside of you...


BEGGING to be rescued by masculine energy.


Playing out the narrative that was written for you by a society long before you took your first breath.


The starting point...


Praying to be RESCUED by God. 


Magical thinking that God the father will help You..


And he does, for a while.


Praying to be rescued by your partner. 


Playing out victim because you need him to survive and to literally get your needs met.


And it works, for a while.


Until it doesn't.

Because you asked to realize your WHOLENESS.

You asked to see who you really were.

You asked to understand your own INTERNAL POWER.


And what you didn't realize you asked for was...

To feel.


And in the breadth of you feeling the depth of your power..


You also felt the absolute depth of your...

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